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That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
Single channel video installation 6’45”
photography: Euirock Lee, provided by Insa Art Space

The Back Stories (2023)
Yellow Blues_(2021)
Me, No (2021)
The Absent Body; A Motherless Mold and aFace(s) (2021)
Five inches up from the knee and three inches...(2021)
My Bundle-----------(2021)
To Deliver (2020)
Leda and the Swan (2019)
In the Still of the Night (2019)
Juxtaposed_pretty-fun-comfy (•_•) (2019)
Wooden Cube, approx.15cm in Side Length, Became a Plaster Cube in which Something’s Negatives are Hidden (2018)
regardless + (It)help(s), (2018)
No Planar Figure of Sphere (2018)
Title Not Necessary_ (2017)
Alas, (2016)
That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is (2016)
A Single Leg of Moderate Speed (2015)
Seeing Things the Way We See the Moon (2013)
Glorious Magnificent (2014)
Dear Peer Artists 2 (2014)
Dear Peer Artists 1 (2014)
Blowfish-like(working title) (2013)